Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The boys loved Christmas! We did about 5 days of festivities, so by the end they were exhausted, but they had a great time and it was actually not too hectic, which was nice. We had lots of snow just beforehand, too, so that was fun - Vicente loved playing out in it but Diego's not walking quite well enough yet, so he wasn't so sure!

Diego's birthday

Yep, our baby's a year old. Hard to believe!

He doesn't like cake at all :)


It's been a while, I know, I'm having a hard time remembering to update! But here we go :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I know, I know

I haven't posted anything in a long, long time. I promise I'll get Diego's birthday, Christmas and some snow pictures up soon! Maybe this afternoon, if my kidlets get less cranky!

Smooches everyone :)